Blood & Blood Transfusions

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Your blood level is vital to your survival, your blood level is essentially your life level in game. As you get hit by zombies, shot or wounded you will begin loosing blood. Although you can stop the bleeding by bandaging yourself you will have still lost blood. With low blood you will have poor vision, poor hearing and may even begin to hallucinate and loose your consciousness and eventually die.

Your blood levels are indicated by the blood icon in the bottom right corner of the screen. When you have enough blood the icon will be full and green, as you loose blood it will become yellow and eventually red. Sometimes when you fall ill a small blood drop may appear next to the icon telling you that you need to go treat yourself as soon as possible as you have contracted some kind of illness.

Luckily, if you or any of your friends are running low on blood you can perform a blood transfusion which will restore your or their blood level.

Self Blood Transfusion

If you do not have a friend that can give you a blood transfusion you can do it yourself.

To do a self blood transfusion you will need a blood bag which you can find lying around in medical establishments such as hospitals. You can also craft level 1, 2 and 3 blood bags if you become a medic which will restore more of your blood than a regular blood bag.

Also keep in mind that it is very easy to contract an infection when performing a blood transfusion in unsterile conditions such as out in the field, so always try to perform blood transfusion inside of hospitals (although you don't have to if you can't) if possible to minimize your chances of contracting an infection.

Although you don't need to have the following items in your tool belt to carry our a transfusion, it is highly recommended that you do as they will minimize your chances of contracting an infection:

  • Gloves
  • Face Mask

With the blood bag in your inventory, as well as the gloves and face mask in your tool belt and you inside a hospital just right-click the blood bag and select 'Self Transfusion'. You will notice a little arrow next to the blood level icon indicating that your blood level is going up. This may take some time and the blood level you receive will vary on the type of blood bag you used.

Transfusion To Others

Blood With Antibiotics